Monthly Archives: February 2010
Physics, adventure, poetry and photography in Antarctica, by Fabiano Busdraghi
Fabiano Busdraghi photographs in Antarctica at the same time are a journey diary, a mix of physical oceanography and taoism philosophy, as well as an hymn to nature beauty.
Light Painting: the art of moving light, by Patrick Rochon
Light Painting by Patrick Rochon: portraits, nude, Butoh dance, cars. Also with a detailed history of a commercial light painting for Toyota, shoot when Patrick Rochon was in Japan.
Why I made “Variety Entertainment”, by Nandini Muthiah
Nandini Muthiah writes about "Variety Entertainment", his Indian fancy dress competition photographic project.
Ivo Mayr part2: Passanten
Ivo Mayr "Passanten" (passers-by) the third and final anti-gravity photography series.
Ivo Mayr part1: Leichtkraft and StadtLandFlucht
Ivo Mayr anti-gravity and floating photography series: "Leichtkraft" (city of levity) and "StadtLandFlucht" (rural exodus)
A long slow look… by Marla Leigh Caplan
Marla Leigh Caplan writes about her photographs series Vanity.