Cons of the stage

Is the development done?
Damiano Bianca controls if the development of the transport print is complete. This happens when the color ends oozing. This case requires a little supplementary time.

The only disadvantage I could underline is the duration of the stage; it is probably too long. Damiano Bianca doesn’t omit anything, doesn’t keep any secret, therefore the information quantity is enormous. After some days, it is hard to follow him, assimilating everything. This is obviously my limit. Damiano on the contrary is patient and pedagogical.

As the arguments and the duration of the workshop can be decided directly with him, I suggest attending no more than two days of course, participating not to a only big course, but some little courses separated by some weeks, in which it is possible to understand in your own dark room the technique he explained. This way, stages can focus on specific arguments, for example one on paper tissue, one on print, one on sizing, etc… Doing this, there’s time to maturate the learned experience and the information Damiano Bianca share can be better appreciated.

Future developments of the workshop

Carbon Print
A perfect carbon print during its final wash, when white borders are cleaned from any gelatine or pigment residue.

Participating to numerous short courses allow planning advanced lessons on carbon. A week is not enough to explore all the arguments and variations Damiano knows or he’s working on. We haven’t got time to see many exciting arguments, for example double transfer, fixed photographic paper as transportation paper, a thick mixture with a few pigments to augment the relief effect, different supports as glass or Plexiglas, toning, etc…

The most thrilling technique I wish to try, for example, is the carbon dualtone, obtained overlapping two different layers of colored pigment on paper tissue, to obtain a print where shadows have the color of the lower layer while lights the upper one. I think, something you could loose your sleep over! And I did not considered Damiano Bianca work on carbon quadri-chrome…


Damiano Bianca carbon print course has been an absolutely formative experience that values more than the subscription fee. Experience that not only made me approach this beautiful technique, but also ameliorate many other print techniques.

The best thing is organizing with Damiano to attend short deep courses on specific arguments, to assimilate all the information learn in each lesson and find time to explore advanced carbon print arguments.

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